Monday, March 23, 2009


Here's an old one that I returned to. I like where it is headed, but feel like it needs something more on that wall, so I am posting it here so I can stare at said wall until I see what should be there.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Licence to Kill

I got some time to fully render some illustrations this week. Hopefully more to come.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Licence to Kill

Timothy Dalton is James Bond. Or, he was once...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chief McGuffin nipped and tucked

PorkchopBob, cleaned up

For the last two PorkchopBob shorts I revamped Bob himself. Here is the previous model, which is a little more graphic but not really animate-able; along with the revamped version of Bob, who has grown quite a bit since he was first dreamed up.

another character revamp

I've been playing around with the high contrast hard shadows I usually use on characters (I previously lightened them to a transparent gray on my revision of the Cranie model). I really like them, but sometimes it's too much. For my revamp of Mara the Squirrel Lady I felt she was much more graphically strong with those black shadows so I only really revamped her pose which was really awful on the old model.

Character design revision

A couple of years ago I created some character designs in Flash in order to animate them, but they look horribly simple and out of date on their own so I've begun revising them. Here is the first, Cranie.